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Awareness Level of Students Still Low, KTP-El Registration Needs Support from Education Department and Ministry of Religious Affairs Regional Office


Awareness Level of Students Still Low, KTP-El Registration Needs Support from Education Department and Ministry of Religious Affairs Regional Office

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Tingkat Kesadaran Siswa Masih Rendah, Perekaman KTP-El Butuh Dukungan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kanwil Kemenag
Ilustrasi KTP. (Foto: HARGO)

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Civil Registration Office of the Population and Civil Registration Agency (Dukcapil PMD) of Gorontalo Province seeks cooperation from various parties to succeed in the KTP-El registration in the area.

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This request was conveyed by the Acting Head of Dukcapil PMD of Gorontalo Province, Zukri Surotinojo, during the 2024 Consolidation Meeting with several Regional Offices and vertical agencies recently.

“We request the cooperation of related departments to support the KTP-El registration, considering there are still many obstacles and challenges faced,” said Zukri.

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He revealed that these obstacles include the low awareness of students regarding the importance of identification documents.

“This certainly requires support from the schools,” he said.

Zukri also highlighted the challenges occurring in one of the schools in Gorontalo. In one school with a target of recording 78 students, only three students could be registered during a mobile service visit.

“Here we can learn about the importance of the role of schools in the success of KTP-El registration in Gorontalo Province. This includes the Education Department and the Ministry of Religious Affairs Regional Office, which directly supervises educational units,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Sucipto Mokodompis

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