Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – In response to the controversy surrounding the cancellation of the qualifications of seven PPPK individuals, Ben Idrus.
The Head of BKPP Kota Gorontalo, through the Head of Development and Control of ASN and Training for Kota Gorontalo, Rohmansyah Djafar, asserted that the cancellation was in accordance with the established mechanism.
Rohmansyah stated that the cancellation was not carried out by the national selection committee (Panselnas) or the regional selection committee (Panselda). Furthermore, he emphasized that the cancellation was done in accordance with the rules themselves.
“Even in points A and onwards, there are clear requirements for general and specific categories. However, they only interpreted point F.
Although applicants from outside the city could apply, they fall under the general category, not the specific one.
Out of 2073 applicants, some were from outside the city. Strangely, only those who did not understand the requirements’ points.
We have established service posts for the recruitment of PPPK and have explained it. Even if there is a mistake by the committee, it does not override the rules,” he said when approached on Tuesday (16/1/2024).
Regarding the PPPK registration process, Rohmansyah explained that each process is carried out through a system, and the names of applicants are then submitted by Panselnas to Panselda for verification, with a total of 2073 applicants.
Regarding allegations of attempting to pass close relatives and officials’ family members, Rohmansyah firmly denied such accusations.
“They said there were attempts to pass the officials’ children and officials’ secretaries. It should be noted that even Mr. Kaban’s child did not pass.
If they only wanted to replace them with close people or family, why not choose Mr. Kaban’s child?” he emphasized.
Meanwhile, the Head of BKPP Kota Gorontalo, Ben Idrus, added that the replacement of these seven individuals is the authority of Panselnas based on the reprocessing of the selection results.
“For these seven replacements, it’s also from there (Panselnas). It happened to be my secretary, but this secretary is ranked second.
When the one above is disqualified, he moves up. But the authority lies with Panselnas.
The scores remain the same. However, once again, the cancellation of those seven individuals was not done by Panselda or Panselnas; it was the rule that annulled them. We are just implementers of the rule, officials,” he said.
In response to the controversy, Ben Idrus mentioned that they are ready to be processed by the relevant authorities.
Even the Ombudsman, according to Ben, has requested several supporting documents for examination.
“We may also be invited by the DPRD, and we are ready. To ensure transparency, we request it to be broadcast live,” he stated.
In conclusion, Ben expressed that personally, he would not have the heart to cancel someone who has been declared successful. However, once again, the rule that annuls them must be followed.
“As public servants, it is impossible and we will not have the heart to cancel someone who has already passed,” he concluded.(*)
Author: Riyan Lagili