Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – DPRD Gorut member Gustam Ismail hopes the executive branch will maximize existing potential to boost Local Revenue (PAD).

Gustam states that the current regional budget is minimal, urging the executive government to be savvy in budget and program management.
“It cannot be denied that the current regional budget is minimal, impacting development and other programs significantly,” says Gustam.

Nevertheless, the PKS legislator remains optimistic about regional development. However, he emphasizes the need for innovation and effective communication to secure additional funds.
“One way is through PAD, certainly by maximizing our existing potential,” he explains.
With recent regulations regarding regional income and others already enacted, Gustam expects their optimal implementation soon.
“With the support of local regulations and other regulations, we hope to maximize PAD Gorut as expected,” he asserts.
Gustam believes that with effort, there is always a solution.
“Including in the management of PAD, if done optimally, it is expected to support regional budgets, including program allocations,” he states.
Therefore, Gustam Ismail hopes relevant regional agencies pay attention to this matter. He anticipates that the set PAD targets will be achieved and even exceeded for the benefit of the community.
“We even hope to surpass the set targets, so the impact can be felt by the people,” he concludes (*).
Author: Alosius M. Budiman