Despite Challenging Terrain, Mbak Luluk Persists to Connect with Sandalan Residents


Despite Challenging Terrain, Mbak Luluk Persists to Connect with Sandalan Residents

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Luluk Sandalan
Srikandi Golkar Pohuwato, Luluk A. Yuliyanti, saat menggelar reses di Dusun Sandalan, Desa Panca Karsa I, Kecamatan Taluditi, Sabtu (9/12/2023).

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Srikandi Golkar, Luluk A. Yulianti, a representative of the people, takes on the responsibility of addressing the conditions of the entire community, including the Transmigrant community in Sandalan Hamlet, Panca Karsa Village, Taluditi District, Pohuwato Regency.

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Facing difficult and rugged terrain, Mbak Luluk navigates extreme roads full of obstacles to directly observe the living conditions of the predominantly Transmigrant community in Sandalan Hamlet.

During her visit on Saturday (9/12/2023), Mbak Luluk received a warm welcome from the residents of Sandalan Hamlet. Various aspirations were expressed concerning issues such as the need for clean water, the condition of the road infrastructure leading to Sandalan Hamlet, and the concern for the cracked homes of residents.

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“Alhamdulillah, we did receive several aspirations. Among them is the condition of the residents’ homes, which we saw for ourselves is in a very dire state.

Also, the proposal for the repair of the 4 km road we traversed, which is extremely challenging, was conveyed to us as the community’s aspiration,” expressed Srikandi Golkar, affectionately known as Mbak Luluk.

As a representative of the people in the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD), she assures that she will advocate for the realization of the aspirations of the Sandalan residents.

“Those aspirations will be included in the DPRD’s agenda as proposals. Even if there is a budget in the Regional Budget (APBD), it will certainly be a priority, including the road to Sandalan Hamlet, which poses significant risks, especially for the community that travels it every day. The issue of clean water will also be promoted through Pamsimas,” she concluded.

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During the recess of the first session of the fifth year of the DPRD, Luluk also handed over aspiration funds on behalf of Idah Syahidah for the Al Ikhlas mosque in Sandalan Hamlet. (*)

Author: Riyan Lagili