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Extreme poverty and stunting become performance indicators for district heads and village chiefs in Bone Bolango.


Extreme poverty and stunting become performance indicators for district heads and village chiefs in Bone Bolango.

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Kemiskinan, Kinerja, Stunting - Program Kakanda - CPNS PPPK
Plt. Bupati Bone Bolango, Merlan S. Uloli.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The seriousness of Bone Bolango Regent, Merlan S. Uloli, in eradicating extreme poverty and stunting is undeniable.

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Not only allocating significant funds, but extreme poverty and stunting are also considered by Merlan as performance indicators for district heads and village chiefs.

This includes civil servants (ASN) who deal with these two issues, which are national strategic programs.

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“The performance of district heads, village chiefs, and officials will be assessed based on extreme poverty and stunting,” Merlan emphasized during his work visit to Bone Raya and Bone Pantai Subdistricts on Thursday (1/2/2024).

“If the data remains stagnant and shows no improvement, it means you have failed to reduce extreme poverty and stunting rates,” Merlan Uloli added.

During the event, Merlan also requested that stunting and extreme poverty intervention programs not be treated as business opportunities.

“This program must be pursued earnestly. Let’s not do business at the expense of the people’s interests. The needs of the community must be prioritized and fought for,” Merlan Uloli emphasized.

He also asserted that reducing extreme poverty and stunting rates must be completed by December 2024 through programs directly impacting the community, despite budget constraints.(*)

Author: Rendi Wardani Fathan

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