Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – For the Acting Regent of Bone Bolango, Merlan S. Uloli, the quality of human resources (HR) is one of the determinants of the poverty level.
According to him, poverty alleviation has traditionally been solely the responsibility of the government.
However, in the future, he hopes that local governments and universities will work hand in hand to address this issue through the “tri darma” (three pillars) programs of independent learning universities.
“One manifestation of our commitment as the local government to building the quality of human resources is consistently establishing collaboration with Bina Mandiri University Gorontalo,” said Merlan during his speech at the inauguration of the Rector and Structural Officials of Bina Mandiri University Gorontalo for the 2023-2027 period, held in conjunction with a reception for diploma and bachelor’s degree graduates of the 2023 class at the Grand Palace Convention Center on Thursday (30/11/2023).
During the occasion, Merlan also mentioned that in the Gorontalo Province, Bone Bolango is the only district that qualified as a partner of the Ministry of National Education through the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program in 2023. He stated that the MBKM program is currently ongoing.
“MBKM includes Certified Internship Students (MSIB), lecturer internship programs, matching fun programs, and thematic community service programs.
This program involves 39 universities from various regions across Indonesia. One of them is Bina Mandiri University, which has two students participating,” explained the first female Regent in Bone Bolango.
Therefore, Merlan urged Bina Mandiri University to play a crucial role in creating skilled human resources. Students are encouraged to solve community problems through the creation of innovations and technology.
“I recognize UMB as one of the largest private universities in Gorontalo Province. Its contribution to the three pillars has had a positive impact on development in Bone Bolango.
Undoubtedly, the existence of universities will continue to be needed by local governments in addressing various development challenges today,” Merlan elaborated.(*)
Author: Rendi Wardani Fathan