Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Gorontalo City Police successfully arrested a suspected motorcycle thief identified as AM at a billiards game location on Tuesday (2/1/2024).
AM was apprehended by the police after all evidence of his crime was uncovered. One of the pieces of evidence was a CCTV recording capturing AM’s actions at a house in Heledulaa Selatan Village, East Kota District, Gorontalo City, a few hours before the arrest.
The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Gorontalo City Police, Commissioner Leonardo Widharta, explained that before apprehending the theft suspect, they first secured the stolen vehicle.
This was possible due to information about a transaction involving the sale of a motorbike identical to the one reported stolen by the victim.
“After our investigation, we confirmed that the motorcycle in the post was indeed stolen from the victim,” said Commissioner Leonardo Widharta.
Leo added that after securing the stolen vehicle, they quickly searched for the whereabouts of the suspect, who was reportedly at a billiards game location in Gorontalo City.
“Fortunately, from the CCTV recording, the theft suspect was recognized by the victim. So, we had no difficulty in locating the suspect,” said Leo.
“Now, the suspect and the evidence have been secured at the Gorontalo City Police Station for further investigation,” he concluded.(*)
Author: Rendi Wardani Fathan