Sparse Visitors, Tilamuta Culinary Tourism Now Becomes Seasonal


Sparse Visitors, Tilamuta Culinary Tourism Now Becomes Seasonal

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Wisata Kuliner Tilamuta
Suasana wisata kuliner Tilamuta di Kabupaten Boalemo tampak sepi pengunjung. (Foto: Kaselia Davina/Mahasiswa Magang UNG)

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Culinary tourism in Tilamuta, Boalemo Regency, is less favored by locals.

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The tourist spot located on the edge of Tilamuta Beach has now become a seasonal culinary destination, bustling only during local-scale events or activities.

“The area is now considered a seasonal tourist spot because sellers only thrive when there’s something interesting happening.

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Such as local events or festivals on Boalemo beach,” said Jismi Litti, the Industrial Management Assessor, on Saturday (November 4, 2023).

Jismi mentioned that after its inauguration some time ago, the culinary tourism destination was initially bustling with visitors.

However, gradually, the number of visitors started to decline.

“The lack of buyers has caused sellers around the Tilamuta culinary tourism area not to thrive.

Many visitors come only to sit and enjoy the seaside air,” explained Jismi.

In the same location, Ita Meilani added that currently, visitors to Tilamuta’s culinary tourism are predominantly students.

“Most visitors to this culinary tourism are students who are unable to afford what the sellers offer,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Kaselia Davina/Intern Student at UNG
Editor: Rendi Wardani Fathan