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Syam Emphasizes Fairness, Bawaslu Must Be Impartial


Syam Emphasizes Fairness, Bawaslu Must Be Impartial

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Syam T. Ase, Bawaslu
Ketua DPRD Syam T Ase saat menyerahkan hadiah kepada panwas kecamatan. Penyerahan dilakukan saat dirinya menghadiri apel siaga dalam menghadapi tahapan kampanye pada Pemilu tahun 2024 di Taman Budaya Limboto, Ahad (19/11/2023).

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Chairman of the Gorontalo District Parliament, Syam T. Ase, expresses hope that the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) will carry out its duties while prioritizing professionalism.

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Syam conveyed this hope after attending a preparedness alert ceremony for the 2024 General Elections at Taman Budaya Limboto on Sunday (19/11/2023).

“Election supervisors must remain independent and maintain professionalism in their work, ensuring that the electoral process is trusted by everyone and striving to achieve electoral justice,” emphasized Syam.

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According to him, Bawaslu has a responsibility to ensure that its oversight work complies with regulations. If problems are identified, Syam said that preventive measures should be taken first.

“Prevention verbally, provide written prevention, after verbal and written prevention, proceed with follow-up actions. So, do not hesitate to take action in accordance with existing regulations,” he asserted.

Syam further stated that as a DPRD institution, they hope Bawaslu can be a professional supervisor and not selectively enforce rules in the implementation of the 2024 elections.

“We hope Bawaslu can bring about a democratic, honest, and fair 2024 election for everyone, emphasizing independence in accordance with its duties,” explained the three-term legislator.

He also reminded Bawaslu to carry out preventive measures so that the public does not fall into unexpected situations, especially election crimes.

“Continuous and routine socialization of what can and cannot be done by the general public, civil servants, and others is necessary so that no one falls into election crimes due to lack of awareness,” hoped this PPP politician. (*)

Author: Deice

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