Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Reducing poverty is a genuine focus for the acting regent of Bone Bolango, Merlan S. Uloli. Various strategies are being prepared by the first female regent in Gorontalo to address poverty.

Recently, Merlan proposed the establishment of a task force (Satgas) for serving the poor. This innovation was presented by Merlan during the coordination meeting (Rakor) for the preparation of the 2024 Village Budget (APBDes) and the socialization of the formation of Community Information Groups (KIM) in Rudis Bandayo Bone Bolango Regent’s Office, Monday (4/12/2023).
According to Merlan, the establishment of the task force is crucial. Its goal, she said, is to make it easier for the community to obtain information related to assistance and integrate data on the poor.

“This task force is also functional to facilitate the poor in managing administration to receive assistance and can directly visit the task force or the designated post,” explained Merlan.
The plan is for the task force for serving the poor to start its action in the second week of this month at the Public Service Mall (MPP).
“This task force will be in one place serving the poor. There are no budget consequences. There is no cost. Officers in each OPD will become this task force, which will be assigned to MPP Bone Bolango,” she concluded.(*)
Author: Rendi Wardani Fathan