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Vice Regent Hendra Hemeto Goes Furious During Official Appointments, What Happened?


Vice Regent Hendra Hemeto Goes Furious During Official Appointments, What Happened?

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Tangkapan layar potongan video Wabup Hendra Hemeto tengah marah-marah pada prosesi pelantikan pejabat struktural di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Gorontalo, Kamis (14/12/2023).
Tangkapan layar potongan video Wabup Hendra Hemeto tengah marah-marah pada prosesi pelantikan pejabat struktural di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Gorontalo, Kamis (14/12/2023).

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Vice Regent of Gorontalo, Hendra Hemeto, went berserk during the appointment of structural officials in the Gorontalo Regency Government on Thursday (14/12/2023).

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His outburst was captured in a video that has now circulated widely on social media. In the 3-minute video, Hendra Hemeto appeared not to accept the appointment.

Hendra rejected the appointment, claiming that he was never involved in the decision-making process.

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“I have been silent all this time. Is my silence a decision? Don’t do that. Postpone the appointment of structural officials,” Hendra said firmly.

Gorontalo Regent Nelson Pomalingo, who was present at the time, responded to Vice Regent Hendra Hemeto’s statement. According to Nelson, the appointment of structural officials was carried out in accordance with the existing regulations.

“Later, Mr. Secretary, Bapperjakat, please report to him (Hendra Hemeto). But, the decision has been made,” Nelson emphasized.

Upon hearing this statement, Hendra immediately said loudly that he never wanted to interfere with the decision. He just wanted to postpone the appointment of structural officials.

“Postpone this. Postpone,” Hendra said.

As of the reporting of this news, the media is actively seeking confirmation regarding the reason Vice Regent Hendra Hemeto requested the postponement of the appointment. (Editorial Team)

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