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Housewife in Gorontalo Arrested for Running an Online Togel Gambling Operation


Housewife in Gorontalo Arrested for Running an Online Togel Gambling Operation

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Judi Togel
Penggerebekan YL oleh Polresta Gorontalo Kota.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Once again, the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satuan Reserse Kriminal or Satreskrim) of Gorontalo City Police has uncovered another case of illegal lottery gambling (Togel), which continues to plague society.

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Just a day after apprehending a man who served as a Togel gambling agent in Padebuolo Village, East City District, it is now the turn of a housewife to be arrested by the police for operating an online Togel gambling operation.

The individual, identified as YL (43), a resident of East City District, Kota Gorontalo, was apprehended by the police at her residence after receiving number orders from local residents.

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During the arrest, YL attempted to evade capture by providing various excuses to mislead the officers.

Unfortunately, her reasons proved futile when the police discovered a number of records of numbers and cash amounting to hundreds of thousands of rupiahs at the raid location.

“Initially, information came in through the police call center service. After further investigation, the characteristics of the perpetrator pointed to YL.

We clarified it further, and with complete information, we made the arrest,” stated Kompol Leonardo Widharta, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Gorontalo City Police.

“During the arrest, YL resisted, but the team managed to find money and scribbled notes at her residence,” added Leonardo.

Leonardo explained that in this online Togel gambling game, YL initially sought individuals as agents to order numbers along with betting money. The total bets placed by these agents were then transacted by YL through online sites.

“After the results of these bets are announced, the perpetrator will provide profits according to the results of the bets gathered by the agents,” said Leonardo.

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Meanwhile, following YL’s arrest, the police successfully seized several pieces of evidence, including 1 mobile phone, 1 sheet of paper with handwritten number combinations, and cash amounting to Rp. 212,000.

“For now, the suspect is in custody at the Detention Center of Gorontalo City Police. The suspect has been formally charged as she has been proven to violate Article 303 of the Criminal Code, with a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison,” concluded Leonardo.(*)

Author: Rendi Wardani Fathan