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Once Quiet, Lita Huha Island in North Gorontalo Becomes Busy Again


Once Quiet, Lita Huha Island in North Gorontalo Becomes Busy Again

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Pulau Lita Huha
Pengunjung saat berfoto menikmati keindahan Pulau Lita Huha di sore hari. (Foto : Sukrin Hasan untuk HARGO).

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Huha Beach, a tourist destination in North Gorontalo, is now attracting visitors.

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According to several sources, the beach on Lita Huha Island is located in the Mutiara Laut Village, Tomilito District.

Lita Huha Island is known for its beautiful beach and sand. This tourist destination offers stunning coastal views.

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Alfionita Bobihu (23), a local resident, revealed that the island used to be frequently visited by foreign tourists.

“In the past, many tourists used to go there and stay on the island to enjoy the beauty of the beach,” said Alfionita on Friday (1/12/2023).

Unfortunately, this situation did not last. Over time, the popularity of Lita Huha as a tourist destination declined, especially during the recent pandemic.

“Entering the year 2023, the local community began cleaning the beach. Now, it’s starting to get busy again,” she added.

Alfionita explained that to enjoy the beauty of the beach on the island, visitors need to pay IDR 50,000 for transportation.

With this fee, visitors can directly reach the island, which takes about 40 minutes from the residential area.

“The access to Lita Huha Island is by boat with a journey of around 40 minutes. The cost is IDR 50,000 per person for a round trip,” she explained. (*)

Author: Abdulharis Kune/Intern
Editor: Sucipto Mokodompis

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