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Partnering with Klik and the Communication Department of UNG, AMSI strengthens electoral news literacy schools


Partnering with Klik and the Communication Department of UNG, AMSI strengthens electoral news literacy schools

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Gandeng Klik dan Jurusan Komunikasi UNG, AMSI Beri Penguatan Sekolah Literasi Pemberitaan Pemilu
Sambutan Bidang Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Mas Anang Sutanto.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Indonesian Siber Media Association (AMSI) Gorontalo held a strengthening activity for electoral news literacy schools.

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The Literacy Village Community (Klik) and the Communication Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Gorontalo State University (UNG) partnered with AMSI in conducting the event, attended by 30 participants including election organizers, Panwas (Supervisory Committee) at the district and village levels, PPS (Voting Committee), KPPS (Voting Organizer Group), Independent Learning Students – Independent Campus (MBKM) UNG, and journalists.

The Literacy School activity took place in the Botubulowe Village Hall, Dungaliyo District, on Sunday (28/1/2024).

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In his address, the Chairman of the Education, Research, and Development Division of AMSI Gorontalo, Anang Susanto, requested that this event enhance the quality of election information circulating in society.

“We are obligated to provide accurate information, not Hoaxes,” said Anang.

The Secretary of Klik, Abdul Fikri Katili, emphasized the importance of journalism in conducting elections as the 4th pillar of democracy.

Abdul also explained that society is no longer lacking information but is overwhelmed with it. Therefore, with the abundance of circulating information, there is a need for filters to sift through the received information.

“We need to filter information because of its abundance, especially regarding election information, which is approaching,” he said.

Muhammad Akram Mursalim S, Sos., M.I. Kom, a Communication Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, UNG, urged caution regarding available information because in today’s era, lies can disguise themselves as truths.

“The news-making process starts with truth, not goodness,” he emphasized.

He articulated truth functionally, starting with gathering news in the field and then bringing it to the editorial desk, thus producing quality news and maintaining its quality.

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Akram hopes that collaboration in this activity will be grounded in truth, referencing Bill Kovach’s book on the 9 elements of journalism, where the first principle is truth and the last is conscience.

The Strengthening of Electoral News Literacy School presenters were Chairman of AMSI Gorontalo, Verrianto Madjowa, and Chairman of the Literacy Village Community, Irfan Yasin.(*)

Release: AMSI Gorontalo