R-APBD 2024 Pohuwato, Sekda: Drafting in Accordance with the Approved DPRD Mechanism


R-APBD 2024 Pohuwato, Sekda: Drafting in Accordance with the Approved DPRD Mechanism

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Draft R-APBD 2024 Pohuwato
Draft R-APBD 2024 Pohuwato

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Government of Pohuwato Regency consistently conducts the drafting of the Regional Budget (APBD) in accordance with the mechanisms and regulations that govern it.

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This was conveyed by the Secretary of the Regional Secretariat of Pohuwato Regency, Iskandar Datau, after the submission of the draft Regional Regulation on the APBD for 2024 through a plenary session of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD).

Secretary Iskandar stated that the mechanism for drafting the APBD is certainly inseparable from the collaboration between the two institutions, namely the regional government (Pemda) and the DPRD, in accordance with the mechanism for the preparation of the R-APBD.

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Starting from the stage of drafting the General Policy of the APBD (KUA), the preparation of priorities and temporary budget ceilings (PPAS) that have been discussed and jointly determined through a plenary session of the DPRD.

“The stages of drafting the R-APBD from the initial stages are inseparable from the collaboration between the executive and legislative branches. These stages include the initiation of the drafting of KUA PPAS, which has been discussed and approved in the plenary session of the DPRD. Subsequently, there is the preparation and submission of RKA by the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), which is also discussed by the Regional Secretariat (TAPD) together with the DPRD Budget Agency (Banggar),” explained Secretary Iskandar on Friday (November 10, 2023).

Not only that, according to Secretary Iskandar, the drafting of the RAPBD is also carried out in stages from the province to the central government, taking into account the targets specified in the Medium-Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD) and the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RKPD).

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“The Regional Government prepares the APBD in accordance with regulations, considering the targets specified in the RPJMD, RKPD, and in accordance with the agreed KUA PPAS with the DPRD. Meeting the needs of public services is a priority because it is a legal mandate that must be prioritized,” he elaborated.

Regarding the high personnel expenses, Iskandar stated that it actually reflects the fulfillment of salaries for civil servants (ASN) and honorary workers.

“When some regions adopt policies to lay off honorary workers, Pohuwato Regency, on the contrary, does not do that. We are all aware that our fiscal capacity is declining at the moment, and this is experienced by most other regions, including Pohuwato Regency.

In other words, whatever we want to realize is adjusted to the fiscal capacity of the region. Thus, our budget policy prioritizes urgent matters to be addressed immediately, including preventing an increase in extreme poverty, controlling inflation, and meeting basic needs in the health and education sectors.

Of course, the regional government is making various efforts to boost revenue but still adheres to existing regulations and rules,” he added.

Furthermore, according to Secretary Iskandar, the Pohuwato Regency Government continues to strive so that the expectations of the DPRD, including the PKB faction, can gradually be fulfilled.

“Hopefully, what the PKB faction hopes for can be gradually fulfilled. Alhamdulillah, with the good performance of the regional government and the DPRD, we have achieved achievements such as obtaining the DID inflation stages one and two, where the guidelines are used for the benefit of the community.

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Please pray and support us while we are completing the process with SMI and the Ministry of Finance for the flexibility of PEN debt repayments, while waiting for the review by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPKP),” concluded Secretary Iskandar. (*)

Author: Riyan Lagili