Residents of East Pohuwato Need Drainage


Residents of East Pohuwato Need Drainage

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Idris Kadji, Guru Idi
Reses masa persidangan pertama tahun ke-5 Wakil Ketua DPRD Kabupaten Pohuwato, Idris Kadji, Kamis (7/12/2023).

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – As a representative in Parliament, Deputy Chairperson of the Pohuwato District Legislative Council, Idris Kadji, constantly receives grievances from his constituents regarding various issues, ranging from the need for road infrastructure, food assistance to SMEs.

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However, for Guru Idi (his nickname), responding to the aspirations expressed by the people must be truly manifested in the form of programs.

One of them is related to the aspiration for irrigation development in East Pohuwato Village conveyed by the community during the first session of the 5th year reses held on Thursday (12/7/2023).

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According to the politician from the National Awakening Party (PKB), there are indeed several community aspirations conveyed during his reses.

Starting from the request for drainage construction, boat assistance to dredging irrigation channels, and repairing wave breakwaters.

“Alhamdulillah, from the aspirations expressed, the budget has been realized for next year, which includes drainage,” said Guru Idi.

He further explained that besides drainage, several aspirations have been realized in the form of food assistance and SME programs.

“Then the assistance for the community has also been handed over in this reses. There are 35 people who directly received assistance in the form of stalls, yellow rice, and cakes. And for basic necessities, there are approximately 150 beneficiaries,” explained Idris Kadji.

With this assistance, he hopes it can help alleviate the burden of the beneficiaries, who, according to him, need serious attention from the government and representatives of the DPRD as people’s representatives in Parliament.

“We, as your servants, believe that what is aspired should not just be noted but how it can be guarded and realized. Hopefully, this assistance can lighten the burden for all of you,” he concluded.(*)

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Author: Riyan Lagili