Local Tax and Retribution Regulation in North Gorontalo Must Be Implemented Soon


Local Tax and Retribution Regulation in North Gorontalo Must Be Implemented Soon

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Deasy, Waktu Program. Perda Pajak dan Retribusi di Gorut Harus Segera Diterapkan
Ketua DPRD Gorut, Deasy S. M. Datau. (Foto: Istimewa)

Hargo.co.id GORONTALO – The Chairperson of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) of North Gorontalo (Gorut), Deasy S.M Datsu, hopes that the local tax and retribution regulations (Perda) can be implemented in 2024.

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According to Deasy, these tax and retribution regulations are expected to assist the region in increasing local revenue (PAD).

“These tax and retribution regulations specify which items fall under taxation and which fall under retribution. Therefore, everything is clear, and there is no longer any confusion about the categories,” said Deasy on Thursday (11/2/2024).

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It is further explained that before being established as a Perda, there has been extensive discussion. This includes both legal foundations and other references used as guidelines in drafting and implementing them in Gorut.

“And regarding this Perda, it also has specific intentions and objectives, essentially for the region, both in terms of revenue enhancement and regulations that were previously unregulated; now there is regulation overseeing it,” emphasized the Chairperson of the DPRD Gorut.

Nevertheless, the Chairperson of the PDIP Gorut DPC also reminded the executive branch, especially the regional apparatus organizations (OPD) that will be responsible for implementing these regulations, to make preparations in accordance with the applicable rules and provisions before implementation.

“In terms of administrative procedures and regulations, the stages must proceed smoothly. Another thing that must be prepared is the personnel who will be directly involved when this Perda is implemented; they must also be prepared to the best of their ability,” he said.

If necessary, a pre-implementation socialization should be conducted, especially for the targeted community in the implementation of tax and retribution regulations, so that they are not surprised by the rules and the applicable rates.

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“The sanctions should also be applied to the maximum extent when this Perda is implemented and does not receive a response,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Alosius M. Budiman