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Parking Attendants’ Income Around Taruna Remaja Field


Parking Attendants’ Income Around Taruna Remaja Field

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Juru Parkir Lapangan Taruna Remaja
Juru parkir di Lapangan Taruna Remaja.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The bustling visitors at Taruna Remaja Field are a blessing for Erwin and his colleagues. Yes, Erwin is one of several parking attendants earning a living around Taruna Remaja Field in Gorontalo City.

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In Wolter Monginsidi Street, Tenda Subdistrict, Hulonthalangi District, Gorontalo City, Erwin usually starts his shift at 6:00 PM. Each visitor’s vehicle is arranged systematically to avoid chaos.

Regarding fees, he doesn’t set high prices. However, during peak times, Erwin and his colleagues can earn up to IDR 150,000 per day.

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According to him, not all of the income belongs to them because the parking attendants still have to pay a local government tax of IDR 30,000 per night.

“The income we get from late afternoon until late at night will be taxed by the local government at IDR 30,000 per night. So, if calculated for a month, it means IDR 750,000,” said Erwin when interviewed by the media on Wednesday (10/12/2023).

Erwin revealed that the parking system at Taruna Remaja Field is rotating. Each night, the parking attendants take turns, and there are two attendants assigned to each guard a distance of about 50 meters individually.

“We, as parking attendants, take turns every night. There are two attendants assigned, each guarding approximately 50 meters individually,” explained Erwin.

He also mentioned that their income decreases during the rainy season and increases when Taruna Remaja is visited for culinary purposes or events. Usually, Thursday and Sunday nights are crowded.

“We work from 5 PM until 2 AM, and the latest is around 3 AM towards dawn,” said Erwin.

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As for the rates, Erwin stated that visitors are charged differently. Motorcycles are charged IDR 3,000, and four-wheeled vehicles are charged IDR 5,000.

“Besides being a parking attendant, I have a side job as a pedicab driver. Alhamdulillah, it can meet the daily needs of my family,” concluded Erwin. (*)

Author: Alfianto Manoppo / Intern at UNG
Editor: Ryan Lagili