Rina Polapa: Information Regarding Regional Conditions Must Reach the Public


Rina Polapa: Information Regarding Regional Conditions Must Reach the Public

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Anggota DPRD Gorontalo Utara, Rina Polapa. Informasi Masyarakat
Ketua Komisi I, DPRD Gorontalo Utara, Rina Polapa.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Chairperson of Commission 1 of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) of North Gorontalo (Gorut), Rina Polapa, hopes that information regarding the progress of government programs can reach the public.

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According to her, given the current regional conditions, information must be communicated to the public, especially regarding their needs and inclusion in government programs.

“Especially for assistance programs, information and explanations must be provided so that the public understands and does not misjudge,” said Rina when contacted by the media.

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According to the Golkar Party’s leading woman, there are still many needs of the people that must be fulfilled through government programs.

“Honestly, if we look at the reality on the ground, there are still many needs of the people that have not been realized,” Rina expressed.

For example, assistance to fishermen, such as outboard motor assistance, is still needed and has not been covered or benefited by many until now.

“All of this is closely related to the budget, as we all know the current conditions, and many planned activities have to be cut,” she explained.

Rina emphasized that the regional conditions must be conveyed to the public so that they are aware of what is happening with the region, the budget conditions, and the impact of these conditions.

“On various occasions when going down to the field and interacting directly with the public, I try to explain it, and after they hear and understand, they become aware,” she asserted.

However, for the future, Rina stressed that the needs of the people must continue to be a priority, gradually and step by step, ensuring they are met.

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“Especially for those who are truly deserving of assistance, which is expected to subsequently have an impact on the economic improvement and well-being of the recipients,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Alosius M. Budiman