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Police Patrol Car Rotator Lights Covered with Tinted Film, Traffic Director: Following Chief of Police’s Order


Police Patrol Car Rotator Lights Covered with Tinted Film, Traffic Director: Following Chief of Police’s Order

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Lampu Rotator Mobil Patroli Polda Gorontalo Dipasang Kaca Film
Lampu rotator mobil patroli di Dirlantas Polda Gorontalo saat dipasang kaca film 20 persen. (Foto: Jalal)

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has instructed all police personnel to cover the rear rotator lights of their service vehicles, which were deemed to disturb the visibility of other road users.

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Director of Traffic at the Gorontalo Regional Police, Commissioner Pol Mariocristy Siregar, stated that the order to cover the lights with 20% tinted film was conveyed through Telegram Letter (ST) Number ST/2869/XII/REN.2.2/2023.

“We received the ST on December 28, 2023, from the National Traffic Corps (Korlantas), stating that the blue light emitted by the rotator on the rear part of service vehicles, especially at the back, could potentially cause traffic accidents,” said Mariocristy Siregar on Tuesday (16/1/2024).

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In the telegram, Mariocristy Siregar continued, the National Police Chief through Korlantas also ordered that vehicles assigned for escort duties should deactivate the rear rotator.

“So, it is stated that all motor vehicles with rotators should be covered with at least 20% tinted film, specifically on the rear part,” he said.

Mariocristy Siregar further explained that the blue light coverage on the rotator lights only applies to older model service vehicles. Currently, he said, they have implemented what was instructed in the ST.

“As for the latest models, we already have a system. We can control whether the lights only illuminate in the front, on both sides, or in the rear. So, we just need to press a button to turn off the rear lights to avoid causing disruption,” he clarified. (*)

Author: Sucipto Mokodompis

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