Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The recruitment of civil servants with work agreements (PPPK) by the Gorontalo City Education and Training Personnel Agency (BKPP) is currently in controversy.

The reason is that seven PPPK applicants who were previously declared passed and met the requirements had their passing status revoked.
Margaret Puluhulawa, one of the seven individuals, stated that the PPPK procurement selection by Gorontalo City allowed Category II Honorary Workers (THK II) from outside the area to participate in the selection opened by the Gorontalo City BKPP, by attaching several required documents.

“In point F, for former THK-II from outside Gorontalo City, it is mandatory to attach a statement that the person is indeed a former THK-II registered in the database signed by the high-ranking official handling personnel affairs.
Understandably, we from outside Gorontalo City are allowed as long as we complete this. Alhamdulillah, I passed the document selection, and then the CAT exam schedule appeared.
Alhamdulillah, I passed again in the first rank. The results were published on December 18, 2023,” explained Margaret when interviewed.
However, she continued, on Wednesday (10/1/2024), she found out that her and six other PPPK’s passing status was revoked with the reason not in accordance with the third dictum of the decision of the Minister of PAN-RB number 648 of 2023 concerning the mechanism for the selection of government employees with work agreements for functional positions in the 2023 fiscal year.
“Even though, at the beginning, it was allowed. I suspect that when they opened the selection regarding the announcement of the selection, they did not understand the rules, so the mistake they made caused me and my friends to suffer materially and non-materially.
If it’s material, it doesn’t matter, but this non-material aspect is pitiful. Families don’t know, neighborhoods, parents.
Even our children are pitiful, rejoicing when their parents finally passed PPPK, but suddenly sad when they hear about this revocation,” she regretted.
Margaret said that if it had been explained from the beginning that applicants from outside the region could not participate in the special category registration, she and other THK II would not have applied there.
Moreover, she stated that positions in the chosen majors are also available in other institutions.
“If it really cannot be done at the beginning, just explain that it cannot be done so that we can apply elsewhere. Whereas the major I chose is also available in the ministry.
Just because it’s open in the city, I participated. I am also disappointed because I am ranked 1 out of thousands of participants who applied. It’s not easy, but when we pass, our passing status is revoked.
Imagine how much loss I and my family suffered. Not to mention among us who are over 50 years old, it’s pitiful,” she said.
Due to the alleged maladministration, she asked the Gorontalo City BKPP to apologize and provide an open explanation to the public that it was a mistake made by the BKPP that caused the seven individuals to suffer losses.
“Also, at least they should be sanctioned by the Mayor for PPPK admission mistakes,” she concluded.(*)
Writer: Riyan Lagili