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BLUD RS ZUS Collaborates with Mikeda Eye Clinic Manado


BLUD RS ZUS Collaborates with Mikeda Eye Clinic Manado

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BLUD RS ZUS Jalin KSO dengan Klinik Mata Mikeda Manado
Direktur RS ZUS, dr. Mohamad Ardiansyah dan jajaran bersama pimpinan Klinik Mata Mikeda.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Regional Public Service Agency of Zainal Umar Sidiqi General Hospital (BLUD RSUD ZUS) in North Gorontalo (Gorut) has entered into an Operational Cooperation (KSO) with Mikeda Eye Clinic located in Manado.

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This collaboration is part of the efforts of the North Gorontalo District Government to enhance the quality and standards of healthcare services for the local community.

The collaboration was attended by the Director of BLUD RS ZUS, Dr. Mohamad Ardiansyah, accompanied by eye specialist Dr. Samuel and Medical Functional Specialist Dr. Faisal Botutihe.

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Also present were the General and Human Resources Subdivision Head, Medical Support Section Head, Inpatient Care Section Head, and Nursing Section Head.

The representatives from BLUD RSUD ZUS were welcomed by the director of Mikeda Eye Clinic, Dr. Grace Thenoch.

In his statement, Director Dr. Mohamad Ardiansyah mentioned that this step is taken to improve the quality of services and introduce eye care services in outpatient clinics and eye surgery rooms.

“By doing so, the value of maximum health service needs will be fully met, achieving optimal results in the mission of regional and competent hospital services, both in terms of service, equipment, and human resources,” said Dr. Ardiansyah.

He further stated that they will continue to strive for BLUD RSUD ZUS to become the best healthcare facility for the community and an icon in the region in terms of health.

“Therefore, the improvement in quality and quantity in terms of service can meet all the references and needs in improving services at ZUS Hospital,” he explained.

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He hopes that with the complete fulfillment of service facilities, the competitiveness of the hospital’s healthcare services will increase.

“The fulfillment of all aspects and elements becomes a service requirement, ensuring that the community’s basic needs for healthcare services are well met,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Alosius M. Budiman