Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The arrival of the candidate for the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Sawaludin, in Pinogu Sub-district, Bone Bolango Regency, was greeted with praise by local residents.

Besides being the first DPR RI candidate to set foot in Pinogu Sub-district, his polite and people-oriented nature has earned Sawaludin a place in the hearts of the locals.
After traversing a rather challenging road, upon reaching the farthest sub-district in Bone Bolango Regency, Sawaludin chose to stay at Samaun’s house, one of the residents of Pinogu.

Although his team and supporters had prepared a place for him to rest, Sawaludin opted to stay at a local’s home.
Samaun expressed great pride in having a DPR RI candidate willing to visit Pinogu and stay at his house in Tilonggibila Village.
Samaun never expected that the news of Sawaludin’s visit to the village would indeed become a reality.
“We’re very happy; Mr. Sawal is here. Usually, DPR RI candidates are only seen on billboards, but he actually came. He’s the first candidate to come; others never did,” he exclaimed.
Apart from choosing to sleep at a resident’s house, on his way to the campaign location, Sawaludin briefly stopped at the hut owned by Grandma Haira.
Sawaludin greeted the residents and listened to many suggestions from the people. After a while, he bid farewell to continue his journey.
“Alhamdulillah, we arrived safely, endless gratitude to Allah; we made it to Pinogu,” said DPR RI Candidate Number 3 happily on Wednesday (24/1/2024).
Furthermore, Sawaludin mentioned that Pinogu has a lot of potential in plantation products besides coffee, cloves, corn, and rice.
According to Sawaludin, to enhance this potential, strong commitment from the executive and legislative branches is needed to improve people’s access to Gorontalo City.
“I’ve personally experienced the route from Tulabolo to Pinogu. It’s quite extreme, dangerous to traverse,” Sawaludin remarked.
He stated that this condition is a cause of Pinogu’s plantation potential struggling to uplift the community’s economy. Not to mention when someone falls ill or passes away.
“I saw a video that recently went viral. The deceased had to ride a motorcycle like someone who’s still alive. Honestly, this breaks my heart,” he added.
He emphasized that such conditions require special attention from stakeholders. Therefore, Sawaludin urged the community to wisely choose representatives in the upcoming democracy event on February 14.
He also encouraged the public to support candidates endorsed by PPP.
“My message is, don’t make the wrong choice. The fate of this nation lies in your hands. Don’t forget to choose PPP, the party of fighters,” Sawaludin concluded. (*)
Writer: Deice