High Basic Commodity Prices, Local Government Urged to Hold Cheap Market


High Basic Commodity Prices, Local Government Urged to Hold Cheap Market

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Jubir Pansus LKPJ, Gustam Ismail saat membacakan laporan. (Foto: Istimewa) - Harga Bahan Pokok Mahal - Pemkab Gorut Diharap Gelar Pasar Murah -Maksimalkan Potensi PAD
Jubir Pansus LKPJ, Gustam Ismail saat membacakan laporan. (Foto: Istimewa)

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Residents of North Gorontalo Regency (Gorut) complain about the high prices of basic commodities and spices, making it difficult for them to meet their daily needs.

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To address this issue, the local government is expected to organize a cheap market that is purely government-initiated without any other agendas, including political interests.

“For now, many residents complain about the high prices of basic commodities and others,” said Gustam Ismail, a PKS legislator from the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) Gorut.

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In addition to the high prices of basic commodities, another concern raised by both residents and traders is the lack of buyers.

“This is also a complaint: goods are available but expensive, on the other hand, there are few or no buyers,” he emphasized.

According to Gustam, this is also caused by the delay in salaries for civil servants, affecting the local economy experienced by the community.

“Although it is not the main factor, the delay in salaries significantly affects the regional economy. Without money to spend, on the other hand, prices soar,” he explained.

Given the current situation, many people hope for a movement from the local government to organize a cheap market specifically for the community.

“This is the voice of the people; they want the local government to initiate a cheap market so that they can obtain basic commodities at affordable prices,” said the PKS legislator.

Gustam emphasized that this cheap market should be a government program without any other agendas. Recently, there was information about a cheap market being held.

However, according to Gustam, not everyone had the opportunity to benefit, as only selected individuals could enjoy it. This was done to facilitate the interests of certain groups, as Gustam received information.

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“Therefore, the community hopes that the government, which implements the program, and all citizens have an equal opportunity. Although limited, it can at least alleviate and meet the needs of the community,” Gustam concluded.(*)

Writer: Alosius M. Budiman