Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Madurese Family Association (IKAMA) of Gorontalo Province and the East Java Community Forum (Forjatim) of Gorontalo held a gathering on Saturday (2/3/2024).

The gathering took place in Gorontalo city coinciding with the circumcision ceremony of the first and second sons of the Aldino Sahidina and Dwi Lestari families.
Moh. Sirham, the Supervisor of IKAMA Gorontalo Province, expressed his gratitude for the gathering through the circumcision ceremony.

“We are grateful because tonight friends from IKAMA and Forjatim gathered at the celebration of the circumcision of Mr. Aldino’s sons who are members of IKAMA and Forjatim,” said the Chief Executive Officer of the Gorontalo Post Daily.
At the same venue, Aldino Sahidina, as the host of the event, expressed his gratitude for the successful circumcision ceremony of his two sons.
“Tonight’s main event is the circumcision ceremony, followed by a special gathering of East Javanese and Madurese residents living in Gorontalo,” Sahidina said.
He expressed his gratitude for the circumcision ceremony of his children, which became a forum for the two communities to strengthen their relationship.
“We, as a family, express our utmost gratitude for the presence of our fellow migrants. This is certainly an honor for us,” he concluded.(*)
Author: Sucipto Mokodompis