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ZUS Gorut Regional Hospital Designated for PPPK Teachers’ Health Tests


ZUS Gorut Regional Hospital Designated for PPPK Teachers’ Health Tests

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RSUD ZUS Gorut Ditunjuk Jadi Lokasi Tes Kesehatan PPPK Guru
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Zainal Umar Sidiki (ZUS) Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara (Gorut) resmi ditunjuk sebagai lokasi untuk pelaksanaan tes kesehatan bagi para calon pegawai pemerintah dengan perjanjian kerja (PPPK) yang telah dinyatakan lulus berkas untuk kategori guru.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Zainal Umar Sidiki Regional General Hospital (RSUD ZUS) in North Gorontalo District has officially been designated as the location for health tests for government employees with work agreements (PPPK) who have passed the document selection for the teacher category.

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This announcement was made by the director of RSUD ZUS, Dr. Mohammad Ardiansyah, M.Kes when interviewed in his office on Friday (5/1/2024).

“RSUD ZUS has officially been designated as the venue for health tests, and the health tests are scheduled to be held for four days as specified in the schedule,” said Ardi.

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Ardi stated that these health tests are a requirement for document fulfillment, specifically for physical and mental health certificates.

To ensure the smooth and expected conduct of the health tests, Ardi mentioned that they have prepared medical personnel and other adequate supporting facilities.

“Specialist doctors are available, including psychiatrists, and other supporting facilities for examinations that meet the required standards, including laboratories and others,” he emphasized.

This includes heart examinations, blood pressure, and more, according to Dr. Ardi.

The main criterion for passing the health test is primarily the physical test. This means that physically, the candidate is capable of performing their daily work tasks as an educator, namely a teacher.

“Then the color blindness test is mandatory, and the mental health test is also crucial in determining the duties of a government employee as a P3K teacher,” he concluded.(*)

Author: Alosius M. Budiman

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