Oh no! PPPK Health Workers in Gorut Have Not Received Salaries


Oh no! PPPK Health Workers in Gorut Have Not Received Salaries

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Ilustrasi, Honorer, Gaji PPPK
Ilustrasi. (pngtree)

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – One by one, controversies in the North Gorontalo Regency Government continue to unfold.

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Following the previous deficit budget issue, the latest revelation is the unpaid salaries of government employees with fixed-term employment agreements (PPPK) in the health sector.

According to one PPPK health worker in North Gorontalo whose name is not to be disclosed, their rights for the months of June and July have not been paid by the local government.

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“The unpaid salaries are for the months of June and July,” said the source.

It’s not just one PPPK health worker complaining about this issue. Another PPPK health worker, when approached by the media, expressed the same concerns.

“For other months, the salaries were paid. Only for June and July, they have not been paid until now. Please help us,” he said.

The non-payment of salaries for PPPK health workers in Gorut has sparked a reaction from activists in the region, including Sandi Syahrudin Buna.

Sandi, who was once a special staff to the Secretary of the Gorut Regency, believes that the issue of PPPK salaries is evidence of the local government’s negligence and failure to run good and proper governance.

“I consider this a failure of the regional government, especially the regent and the financial body. Through the new regent, I hope there can be a solution and an improvement in the governance and financial management of the region,” said Sandi.

Sandi also revealed that PPPK health workers had previously complained to the relevant authorities.

“They coordinated with the regional finance treasurer; they only replied with ‘be patient.’ One of the staff members just gave that answer,” explained Sandi in an interview on Tuesday (12/5/2023).

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Meanwhile, the Head of Budget Division, Gorut Financial Agency, Ahsan, promised to pay the salaries of PPPK health workers in January 2024.

However, according to Ahsan, only one month’s salary, which is for July, will be paid.

“The TMT P3K is in June, but it will be in the middle of the month. Therefore, it is not counted. So only one month’s salary will be paid,” Ahsan clarified when contacted on Tuesday (12/12/2023).(*)

Writer: Wahyuningsih/Intern Student
Editor: Rendi Wardani Fathan