Refusing to Settle Debts of Hundreds of Millions, Aspiring Legislative Member in Bone Bolango Sued in Court


Refusing to Settle Debts of Hundreds of Millions, Aspiring Legislative Member in Bone Bolango Sued in Court

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Oknum Caleg, Hutang

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Yet to be elected as a representative to voice various public interests in the legislative building, an individual aspiring legislative member (Caleg) for the Bone Bolango Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) with the initial RD is allegedly engaged in actions contrary to expectations.

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RD, who was prepared by one of the major parties in Gorontalo to represent the people in the Kabila CS electoral district at number 2, is suspected of defaulting on his promise to settle debts with Yopi Abas.

Due to his actions, RD now faces a new problem. Yopi Abas, through his legal representative Rio R. Ruchban, SH.,M.H.,CPLC.,CPLCE, has filed a lawsuit against RD in the Gorontalo District Court with case number 21/Pdt.G.S/2023/PN Gto.

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Rio explained to the media that the debt issue between his client and the defendant RD has been ongoing for seven years.

The incident, Rio revealed, began in 2014 when RD sent someone to borrow Rp. 100 million from his client.

“The money was promised to be repaid one month after the project work was completed,” explained Rio, who works at the Law Office Rio Ridwan Ruchban & Partners.

However, before the debt settlement process could take place, Rio continued, the defendant’s side sent someone again to borrow an additional amount of Rp. 30 million with an agreement to settle the entire loan within seven months, as per the agreement.

“In November 2015 and in 2020, the defendant sent someone again to borrow funds totaling Rp. 100 million. When borrowing, the settlement process for the first and second debts had not been completed,” emphasized Rio.

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After the agreed-upon debt settlement period had expired, Rio added, the plaintiff then contacted the defendant through the envoy but to no avail.

“The plaintiff once met with the defendant, but it was not for long, and the defendant handed over a check in the name of CV. Alfaith worth Rp. 45 million.

Unfortunately, after checking, the check turned out to be empty,” said Rio.

According to Rio, due to RD’s actions, his client suffered a loss of Rp. 230 million. He said this figure does not include other agreed-upon matters.

This breach of contract case, Rio said, has started to be heard on Thursday (21/12/2023). Unfortunately, RD did not attend the first hearing.

“The trial was postponed because the defendant did not attend. The plan is to hold the trial again on Thursday, December 28, next week,” said Rio, hoping that the defendant RD can attend the next hearing to avoid disrupting his activities as a legislative candidate.

“Let this issue be resolved quickly and not disrupt RD’s activities. I hope he can attend the next hearing,” Rio hoped.

Allegations of breach of contract by RD are not informed only once. This female candidate is known to have done the same thing in one of the financing companies. (Editorial Team)