Christmas Proceeds Safely and Conducive, Police Chief Expresses Thanks to the Community


Christmas Proceeds Safely and Conducive, Police Chief Expresses Thanks to the Community

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Natal Masyarakat Aman Kondusif, Terimakasih, Kapolda Gorontalo
Kapolda bersama Forkopimda Provinsi Gorontalo saat mengecek pengamanan perayaan malam Misa Natal, Minggu (24/12/2023)., GORONTALO – The Gorontalo Regional Police express gratitude for the community’s participation in maintaining order during the 2023 Christmas celebrations.

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The expression of thanks was conveyed through the Public Relations Director of the Gorontalo Regional Police, Commissioner Pol Desmont Harjendro.

“The Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrations in Gorontalo went smoothly and peacefully, thanks to our collective cooperation,” said Desmont.

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“Therefore, the Chief of the Gorontalo Regional Police extends gratitude to the entire community for helping maintain public order,” he added.

Previously, together with the Provincial Gorontalo Regional Leadership Forum (Forkopimda), they visited several churches during the Christmas Eve Mass celebration on Sunday, December 24, 2023.

The visits to various churches in the city of Gorontalo aimed to ensure that the Christmas celebrations proceeded smoothly, safely, and peacefully.

The delegation also checked the readiness of TNI-Polri personnel and related agencies in carrying out security duties.

So far, security measures have been implemented in churches, security posts, and traffic flow regulation.

“The community’s activities and worship in churches proceeded smoothly, safely without any disruptions,” he emphasized. (*)

Release: Public Relations of the Gorontalo Regional Police

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