Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Gorontalo Police Chief, Police Inspector General Angesta Romano Yoyol, once again reminds all his subordinates to prioritize health and engage in regular exercise.

According to him, exercise helps maintain physical fitness and overall well-being, one of which is cycling.
The Police Chief also promotes a healthy lifestyle by organizing a morning cycling activity on Friday (12/01/2024).

The event was attended by the Deputy Police Chief, Police Brigadier General Pudji Prasetijanto Hadi, and other high-ranking officials within the Gorontalo Regional Police.
The top officials, along with the Police Chief, cycled along the Gorontalo Outer Ring Road (GOR), not only to maintain their physical fitness but also to raise awareness about the importance of staying healthy.
“This activity aims to increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining physical fitness,” said the Police Chief through the Head of Public Relations, Police Commissioner Desmont Harjendro.
This cycling event is also considered a means to strengthen camaraderie among the top leaders of the Gorontalo Police.
“In addition to that, this activity is also expected to strengthen the relationship between police officials and the local community,” he added.
According to him, maintaining physical fitness is crucial, especially in the midst of regional duties that require optimal physical condition.
“We hope this activity not only motivates police officers but also inspires the community to adopt a healthy lifestyle through cycling,” he concluded.(*)
Release: Gorontalo Police Public Relations