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Gorontalo Regional Police Enhances Facilities for Noise, Alcohol, and Narcotics Detection


Gorontalo Regional Police Enhances Facilities for Noise, Alcohol, and Narcotics Detection

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Polda Gorontalo Ketambahan Fasilitas Alat Deteksi Kebisingan Knalpot, Alkohol dan Narkoba
Personil Dirlantas Polda Gorontalo saat melakukan uji coba alat Pengukur Kebisingan Knalpot Brong (Sound level meter). (Foto: Jalal)

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Traffic Directorate of the Gorontalo Regional Police has received additional facilities aimed at reducing accident rates in the region.

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The facilities include a Sound Level Meter for exhaust noise measurement, an Alcohol Test Kit, and a Narcotic Test Kit, as revealed by the Director of Traffic (Dirlantas) of the Gorontalo Regional Police, Commissioner Pol Mariochristy Panca Sakti Siregar.

“We received three tools: the Sound Level Meter, Alcohol Detection, and Narcotic Detection,” said Commissioner Pol Mariochristy at the Traffic Directorate Office of the Gorontalo Regional Police on Friday (5/01/2024).

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He explained that the alcohol test kit consists of two demonstration tools: a mouthpiece and flannel.

“We know that one of the causes of traffic accidents is driving under the influence of alcohol and narcotics,” he explained.

In addition, they also received three vehicles designated for traffic police activities.

“These are specifically for the Traffic Directorate of the Gorontalo Regional Police. Later, for the time being, they will be in various regions. So, from the Central Traffic Police’s direction, it is for the traffic police in the regional police,” he added.

The presence of these various facilities, according to Commissioner Pol Mariochristy, is expected to reduce traffic accidents in the Gorontalo Regional Police and its surroundings.

“We hope that these facilities can maximize services to the community. Especially with these three tools, accident rates can be reduced,” he concluded.(*)

Author: Sucipto Mokodompis

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