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Police Brigadier Taruna Helena Fiorentina Sinurat Upholds Indonesia’s Name Internationally


Police Brigadier Taruna Helena Fiorentina Sinurat Upholds Indonesia’s Name Internationally

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Helena Fiorentina Sinurat
Brigadir Taruna Helena Fiorentina Sinurat, seorang Taruna Akpol yang terpilih menjadi representasi Akademi Kepolisian Indonesia di kancah internasional UNCAC di Atlanta, USA. (Foto: Dok. Polri)

Hargo.co.id, JAKARTA – Police Brigadier Taruna Helena Fiorentina Sinurat, a Police Academy cadet, has brought honor to Indonesia on the international stage.

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She was selected as the representative of the Indonesian Police Academy at the international United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in Atlanta, USA.

The event is an essay competition involving cadets from Southeast Asian countries. The essay competition focuses on the issue of corruption in Indonesia and how to mitigate it.

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Participants include representatives from the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

In the competition, Police Brigadier Taruna Helena chose the theme of the crucial issues and impacts of corruption in Indonesia.

She also discussed what could be done as a Police Academy cadet to prevent corruption in Indonesia.

“My motivation for participating in this competition is to improve my English language skills,” she explained on Thursday (12/7/2023).

In addition, Police Brigadier Taruna Helena is also one of the speakers at the Youth Changemaker Event to be held in Atlanta.

Such an achievement is expected to support the Indonesian National Police Academy in becoming a World-Class Police Academy.

The Head of the National Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Pol Sandi Nugroho, added that this achievement brings honor to the National Police Corps and Indonesia.

He hopes that the achievement of Police Brigadier Taruna Helena can serve as an example for other Police Academy cadets and members of the Indonesian National Police.

“As directed by the National Police Chief, all ranks must improve quality and innovate to develop talents and potentials,” he said.

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“Thus, it will bring honor to the National Police institution and the nation of Indonesia,” said the Head of Public Relations Division.

The National Police Chief, according to the Head of Public Relations Division, also emphasized that the institution would give awards to outstanding cadets and members.

“In this way, everyone will be motivated to compete for achievements,” he concluded. (*)

Release: Indonesian National Police Public Relations