Pohuwato Riot: 2 Defendants Allegedly Wrongfully Arrested


Pohuwato Riot: 2 Defendants Allegedly Wrongfully Arrested

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Kerusuhan Pohuwato, 2 Terdakwa Diduga Korban Salah Tangkap
Kuasa hukum terdakwa kerusuhan Pohuwato, Susanto Kadir.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The trial process for the Pohuwato riot case continues at the State Court (PN) Gorontalo.

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However, the defense lawyer, Susanto Kadir, claims that at least 2 defendants, AJ alias Ajo and AM alias Opan, are believed to be victims of alleged wrongful arrest by certain police officers who secured the demonstration that led to the unrest on September 21.

According to Susanto, based on the testimony of witnesses, the two defendants never engaged in the actions mentioned in the indictment. He explained that both AJ and Opan were merely local residents working as farmers who unintentionally found themselves at the demonstration site.

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“Observing the commotion, the police officers mistakenly assumed they were involved in the protest, arrested them, and charged them as suspects. The same goes for Opan; witnesses present with him testified that he (Opan) did not commit acts of vandalism against property and offices as accused,” said Susanto.

“These two individuals, according to us, were wrongfully arrested,” he added.

During the trial, their legal team will present evidence to prove whether or not the allegations made by the public prosecutor are true.

“For now, we are collecting additional evidence related to the Pohuwato demonstration. We will gather video evidence to determine if our clients were present there or not.

The statements from witnesses and even in the examination records (BAP) indicate that Opan was not involved; he only witnessed the protest and was suddenly chased and arrested,” he further explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation at Pohuwato Regional Police, Iptu Faisal Ariyoga A. Harianja, stated that their investigation team detained the suspects based on valid evidence.

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“As investigators, we secured the suspects based on valid evidence. It will be proven in court,” he stated. (*)

Author: Riyan Lagili