Maintain Regional Stability During Elections


Maintain Regional Stability During Elections

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Ketua DPRD Gorontalo Utara, Deasy Sandra M. Datau, Stabilitas Daerah
Ketua DPRD Gorontalo Utara, Deasy Sandra M. Datau

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Chairperson of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) of North Gorontalo (Gorut), Deasy S.M Datau, urges the community and all stakeholders in the region to collectively maintain regional stability until the completion of the national five-year agenda, which will be held on February 14, 2024, just about two weeks from now.

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Deasy stated that they are very grateful that until now, the condition of the region continues to be maintained or stable.

“And this certainly deserves to be thankful for, because our region, Gorut, still maintains regional stability,” she said.

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Indeed, according to Deasy, it cannot be denied that with the current political events, there is competition not only between parties, but also between candidate pairs and candidates for representatives from the local to the central level.

“Of course, this competition will have an impact on the people who will also participate in the election,” said Deasy.

Regarding choices and support, it is indeed an individual right guaranteed by the law.

However, it is hoped that this support should not disrupt the conduciveness of the region.

“Regarding support and competition, it is normal. However, it is hoped that they do not fuel each other to the point where unwanted incidents occur due to this support,” she stressed.

The Chairperson of the PDIP Gorut DPC also hopes that the community will be wiser and more mature.

Keeping emotions in check so that they do not get carried away too deeply.

“Continue to maintain familial relationships, friendships even though there are different choices, all for the sake of the region and also the nation and state which are expected to be even better in the future,” she concluded.(*)

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Author: Alosius M. Budiman