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Claiming to be Finance Employees, Three Men in Gorontalo Suspected of Absconding with a Car and Its Contents


Claiming to be Finance Employees, Three Men in Gorontalo Suspected of Absconding with a Car and Its Contents

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Dugaan Pencurian Karyawan Perusahaan Pembiayaan / Finance
Ilustrasi Debt Colector. (Foto: shutterstock)

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – GB (37), a resident of Gorontalo City, reported a suspected theft case involving individuals posing as employees of a finance company to the Gorontalo City Police, Friday (15/12/2023).

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According to information gathered by our media team based on GB’s statement, the incident began when he was approached by three men who claimed to be employees of a Finance Company located on HB Jassin Street, Gorontalo City.

The three men, identified by the initials AR, ZA, and an unnamed individual, requested GB to surrender his car to be taken and stored at the Finance Office because it had been overdue for three months as of December 13, 2023.

However, GB, who claimed to be ready to settle the arrears by the end of the month, as he was still waiting for his salary payment, declined.

Upon hearing this, the three individuals then asked GB to come to the Finance office on December 15, 2023, to transfer the ownership contract.

“They said to come to the office to transfer the contract because the contract is not in my name. That was their promise, and they also guaranteed it. So, on that Friday, I went to the office,” said GB to Hargo.co.id on Saturday (16/12/2023).

Upon arrival at the office, GB continued, he and his wife were asked to enter a room by AR to discuss the contract transfer, while his younger sibling and two children waited in the car.

“In the room, our ID cards were requested and photographed. But the person we met in the room was not AR or ZA, but someone with long hair whose name we didn’t know,” he added.

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GB revealed that the three individuals claiming to be finance employees were never seen using identification cards (ID cards).

Still, they believed them because the office they visited matched the name of the Finance company where they paid their car installments.

“While we were in the room, suddenly ZA asked for the car keys, I don’t know the reason. But as soon as I handed over the keys, the glass door of the room was immediately closed,” he explained.

Just a few minutes after handing over the keys, GB was shocked to see his two children already in front of the room.

“My younger sibling also came. He asked why he was called, even though I never called my younger sibling to come to the room. From here, I started to be suspicious, so I asked my wife to check the situation outside,” said GB.

After waiting for his wife, who did not return to the room, GB then followed her to the front. At that moment, according to GB, the person in the room was seen moving back and forth in the office and then left while talking to someone on the phone.

“When I arrived in front of the office, I saw the car was gone, my younger sibling said it was taken by ZA. The person we didn’t know also left with AR. So I called, but they didn’t answer.

He then tried to ask several employees in different rooms to call ZA. However, the employees informed him that ZA, along with his companions, was not a Finance Company employee but only an external party.

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“Only then did I know that they were not employees,” he said.

At that point, GB expressed concern because, in addition to the vehicle, valuable items inside the car included Land Certificates, a television, speakers, and his wallet containing money, debit cards, ID cards, and other personal documents. Unfortunately, when contacted, AR asked GB to meet with the Finance Company the following week.

“I still called, waiting until after 9 p.m. But they refused to come. So I immediately reported it to the Gorontalo City Police, and thank God, our report has been accepted. We have also made statements and have a report letter,” said GB.

He estimated that the valuables inside amounted to IDR 15 million. This amount does not include the land certificate and personal documents inside the wallet and the car dashboard.

“We only hope that the Gorontalo City Police can process our report as soon as possible. Because, in addition to the car, my personal documents and land certificates are things we urgently need,” he concluded.

As of the release of this news, Hargo.co.id is attempting to contact the Finance Company for clarification regarding the three individuals claiming to be employees.(*)

Author: Sucipto Mokodompis