Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The opportunity for Tonny Uloli to compete in the upcoming Gorontalo Gubernatorial Election is significant.

Besides being one of the figures instructed by the Golkar Party’s Central Executive Board to socialize as a potential gubernatorial candidate, the public’s trust in Tonny Uloli in the region known as the “Serambi Madinah” remains high.
This is evident from various survey institutions placing the former Vice Governor of Gorontalo at the top ranks, competing with several other prominent figures.

The survey results have led to several major political parties with substantial sympathizers in Gorontalo approaching Tonny Uloli.
“There are several parties that have met with me, and until now, we continue to communicate regarding the Gorontalo Gubernatorial Election,” said Tonny Uloli in a recent conversation with the media.
Unfortunately, Merlan Uloli, the brother of the Regent of Bone Bolango, did not disclose which parties have been in communication with him.
“Let’s wait. At some point, friends will find out which parties they are,” said Tonny Uloli with a smile.(*)
Author: Rendi Wardani Fathan