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Alleged Student Harassment Case in Gorontalo City, DPPKBP3A Takes Swift Action to Support Victims


Alleged Student Harassment Case in Gorontalo City, DPPKBP3A Takes Swift Action to Support Victims

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Kepala DPPKB-P3A Kota Gorontalo, Eladona Oktamina Sidiki S.STP., M.Si. (Foto: Dok. Pribadi/Facebook), penanganan. Kasus Pelecehan
Kepala DPPKB-P3A Kota Gorontalo, Eladona Oktamina Sidiki S.STP., M.Si. (Foto: Dok. Pribadi/Facebook),

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Allegations of harassment against four students reportedly perpetrated by a contract teacher in one of the cities in Gorontalo have immediately caught the attention of the Population Control, Family Planning, Women Empowerment, and Child Protection Agency (DPPKBP3A).

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The department led by Eladona Oktamina Sidiki swiftly moved to provide protection to the victims upon receiving information about the alleged harassment case.

“We immediately provided assistance in this case, especially to the victims,” said the Head of DPPKBP3A in Gorontalo City, Eladona Oktamina Sidiki, on Tuesday (6/2/2023).

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According to her, their assistance to the victims is aimed at ensuring their rights. She added that the assistance is provided by the Integrated Service Center for Women and Children Empowerment (P2TP2A).

“Our role primarily focuses on the victims to protect their rights, whether they are children or women. In this context, the victims are children. So when the families of the victims provide information or report to P2TP2A, our team immediately takes rapid measures for handling. Swift action, quick resolution. We accompany them until they reach the police,” explained Eladona.

In this highly publicized alleged case, DPPKBP3A not only offers protection to the victims but also provides support in various forms, including assistance during examinations, police reports, and the execution of forensic examinations.

“Because it’s now in the process at the regional police, the forensic examinations were completed on Monday, so we’re waiting for the results. We await the outcome of the forensic report from the regional police to determine the next steps,” emphasized Eladona.

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“We continue to provide assistance. We mobilize because the victims’ residences vary, some are in the city center, some are on the outskirts. So, we mobilize. My team and I pick them up to avoid any unwanted situations,” added Eladona.

Eladona also mentioned that DPPKBP3A continues to promote awareness at educational institutions as a preventive measure against domestic violence and sexual harassment.

She stated that this awareness campaign extends to the community to help people understand negative behaviors and take preventive actions.

“Furthermore, in protecting the rights of the victims, we have facilitated the presence of relevant institutions, such as P2TP2A and task forces for the eradication of violence against women and children,” she said.

“Sometimes, because the community is aware, they directly report to these institutions, which somewhat aids our work because people are becoming more discerning. These matters are no longer considered shameful; they are unhesitant to report to ensure they receive their rights, especially protection, concerning issues related to children and women,” she added.

She expressed hope that the alleged harassment case would be taken seriously by all parties, including parents who should implement early sex education to raise awareness about the importance of protecting their bodies from others to children.

Moreover, at the educational level, periodic psychological assessments for educators should be implemented as a precautionary measure.

“Additionally, to the community, through cooperation, reporting or making complaints, whether witnessed directly, experienced, or obtained through information,” she said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Women and Child Protection, Nurhayati Abdullah, revealed that in handling this alleged case, they encountered several challenges in the field.

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One of them is the reluctance of the victims’ parents to openly discuss the issue. She explained that they consider their children’s problems as shameful and should be concealed by the family.

According to Nurhayati, also known as Rina, it is the responsibility of the Women and Child Protection unit to explain their children’s rights to receive trauma healing therapy, which is the obligation of the state.

“Don’t hesitate, parents, to coordinate with the Women and Child Protection unit. We care about the children and don’t want any adverse effects in the future. Children who have experienced sexual violence like this may become perpetrators or even predators if their psychological issues are not properly addressed,” Rina concluded.(*)

Author: Rendi Wardani Fathan