Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Secretary of Bone Bolango Regency, Ishak Ntoma, urges citizens to fulfill zakat. Moreover, the head of civil servants (ASN) in the Bone Bolango Regency government hopes that the awareness of zakat fulfillment becomes a mass movement.

“We want to institutionalize zakat as a comprehensive awareness among all zakat-obligated individuals in Bone Bolango. Structured awareness for all residents on how the optimization of zakat, infak, and sedekah becomes a mass movement of Bone Bolango society,” he said during the UPZ BAZNAS Bone Bolango Regency socialization event at the KPRI Kartini Kabila building on Wednesday (24/1/2024).
Secretary Ishak explained that zakat is one of the five main pillars in Islam and is a financial obligation for Muslims. This is the reason why Secretary Ishak encourages awareness among citizens to fulfill zakat.

“With the increasing awareness of the community in paying zakat, God willing, blessings will be poured out in Bone Bolango, especially, and in Gorontalo in general,” he emphasized.
“We are protected from all kinds of disasters and given all the ease of life, whether it’s ease in doing business, going to school, working, and that is guaranteed by Allah SWT,” added Ishak.(*)
Writer: Rendi Wardani Fathan