Gorontalo Regency 2024 Regional Budget Approved, Jayusdi: Discussed According to Mechanism


Gorontalo Regency 2024 Regional Budget Approved, Jayusdi: Discussed According to Mechanism

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APBD Kabgor
Bupati Gorontalo, Nelson Pomalingo saat melakukan penandatangan pengesahan APBD 2024 bersama pimpinan DPRD.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Regional Income and Expenditure Budget of Gorontalo Regency has been officially approved.

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The approval was marked by the signing of the draft regional regulation for the year 2024 by the Regent of Gorontalo, Nelson Pomalingo, and the Chairman of the Regional People’s Representative Council Kabgor, Syam T. Ase, during a plenary session last week.

Jayusdi Rivai, a member of the Kabgor DPRD and also a member of the budget committee, stated that the approval of the 2024 APBD has gone through a discussion process carried out according to the mechanism.

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This process began with the submission of the APBD 2024 document through a letter from the Regent of Gorontalo number 900/BKAD/976/2023, dated September 27, 2023, regarding the submission of the draft APBD for the year 2024.

“The document has been officially submitted by the regent to the chairman of the DPRD, along with the documents attached, in the plenary meeting of level I discussions to be discussed together,” he said.

As part of the mechanism implemented in the discussion of the Regional Budget Draft (RAPBD), one of the stages mandated by regulations is joint discussion by the budget committee and the Regional Government Financial and Development Oversight (TAPD).

This is scheduled after the plenary meeting of level I discussions, which includes the submission of the introductory notes of the R-APBD, the submission of the general views of the factions, and additional explanations from the regional government regarding the general views of the factions in the DPRD institution.

“For this reason, the Budget Committee has conducted joint discussions with TAPD to discuss and accommodate various needs and aspirations of the community to be poured into programs and activities in each OPD (Regional Apparatus Work Unit), including synchronizing programs and activities in each OPD while still referring to the general budget policy and the priority budget ceiling for the year 2024 that has been agreed upon by the regent and DPRD,” explained Jayusdi.

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Jayusdi further stated that another agenda carried out in the second stage of the discussion, the discussion of the draft regional regulation on the 2024 APBD of Gorontalo Regency, is the submission of the budget committee’s discussion results regarding the 2024 APBD of Gorontalo Regency.

This serves as consideration for the plenary meeting in making joint decisions on the discussion results of the draft regional regulation.

The two-term legislator mentioned that during the series of discussions on the Draft APBD for the fiscal year 2024, many proposals, inputs, suggestions, and recommendations were provided for the improvement of the APBD.

This was done to accelerate development and improve the welfare of the community.

“Hopefully, with the approval of the 2024 APBD, all proposals, suggestions, and recommendations can be accommodated and can improve the welfare of the community,” said the legislator representing the Limboto-Limboto West constituency.(*)

Author: Deice