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23rd Anniversary of Gorontalo Province: Ismail Pakaya Highlights Various Achievements


23rd Anniversary of Gorontalo Province: Ismail Pakaya Highlights Various Achievements

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Suasana Rapat Paripurna DPRD peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun ke-23 Provinsi Gorontalo, Selasa (5/12/2023). (Foto: Diskominfotik)

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Acting Governor Ismail Pakaya presented several achievements of Gorontalo Province during the DPRD Plenary Meeting on Tuesday (12/5/2023). The meeting was held to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of Gorontalo Province.

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“The Human Development Index (HDI) in 2023 is at 71.25, a significant increase from the initial province establishment in 2002, which was 64.1,” said Ismail.

Economic growth has also improved post-COVID-19 in 2022, reaching 4.04%, and in the third quarter of 2023, it achieved 3.26%.

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Poverty in March 2023 was at 15.15%, a decrease from March 2022 at 15.51%. Compared to the initial poverty rate of 29% when Gorontalo was established, it has reduced by 13.85% in 23 years.

Another noteworthy point is the open unemployment rate in 2023 at 3.06%, ranking fifth lowest in Indonesia.

The Gini index reached 0.388 points in March 2023, a decrease from March 2022 at 0.403 points.

“The inflation performance in Gorontalo Province is quite pleasing, reaching 1.16% in September 2023, the lowest in Indonesia,” he said. “We also received fiscal incentive awards from the central government,” he added.

In late November, Ismail mentioned a slight increase of 3.22%, but it remained under control.

Among all these achievements, the most tangible is infrastructure development. Since the tenure of the first definitive governor, Fadel Muhammad, to the two terms of Rusli Habibie, Gorontalo’s infrastructure has rapidly flourished.

In the early years of the province until 2012, Gorontalo faced a power crisis with frequent power outages. Fortunately, Gorontalo now has an energy surplus with the construction of the Anggrek 2×25 MW Steam Power Plant (PLTU) and the Paguat 100 MW Gas Turbine Power Plant (PLTG).

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The improvement in electricity has driven a faster economic turnover. Shopping centers, hotels, and eateries have also increased.

Acting Governor Ismail expressed his gratitude to everyone who worked hard according to their respective duties and functions.

“All of this is the result of the seeds planted by past leaders, starting from the First Acting Governor Tursandi Alwi to Mr. Hamka Hendra Noer,” he concluded. (Release)