Family of Togel Gambling Perpetrator Extorted by Impostors, Leonardo: Don’t Respond


Family of Togel Gambling Perpetrator Extorted by Impostors, Leonardo: Don’t Respond

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Leonardo Widharta
Kasat Reskrim Polresta Gorontalo Kota, Kompol Leonardo Widharta.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – In recent months, the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of Gorontalo City Police has successfully uncovered dozens of cases involving public nuisance, including domino gambling, online Togel, and the increasingly prevalent online slot gambling.

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However, the police’s disclosure of gambling cases seems to have become a source of financial gain for irresponsible individuals who impersonate the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Gorontalo City Police.

In this case of impersonating the name of the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Gorontalo City Police, the perpetrator initially monitored the location of the arrests of gambling suspects through reports from various online media.

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After identifying the targeted crime location, the impersonator then contacted the local authorities and the families of the gambling suspects, demanding money as a means of mediation.

When questioned, the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Gorontalo City Police, Commissioner Leonardo Widharta, explained that the impersonation case had claimed victims.

Several families of gambling suspects had deposited money into the account of the irresponsible individual.

“We are conducting further investigations,” said Commissioner Leonardo Widharta briefly.

Leo stated that, for now, the disclosure of gambling cases by the Criminal Investigation Unit of Gorontalo City Police no longer includes the arrest location to avoid further extortion by criminals.

“Once again, we emphasize that we never ask for money from the families of the suspects. All our apprehensions undergo legal processing without any conditional release,” emphasized Leonardo.

“We will also continue to find the whereabouts of the extortionists, and we will proceed according to the applicable laws,” concluded Leo.(*)

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Author: Rendi Wardani Fathan