Gorontalo Regency Gears Up for Dulamayo Festival


Gorontalo Regency Gears Up for Dulamayo Festival

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Festival Dulamayo
Asisten l Nawir Tondako saat memimpin rapat persiapan Festival Dulamayo dan area camp.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The preparation for the Dulamayo Festival and camp area is progressing as the Gorontalo Regency Government leads coordination meetings.

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The session, chaired by Assistant I Nawir Tondako and attended by relevant agencies, took place on Wednesday (12/13/2023).

Nawir, interviewed after the meeting, stated that the Dulamayo Festival aims to celebrate the New Year’s transition to 2024 for the Gorontalo Regency Government employees.

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The event, according to Nawir, will feature various artistic and cultural performances.

“It will take place from December 28 to December 31, 2023,” Nawir announced.

Nawir mentioned that the cultural performances would include traditional dances, traditional songs, pantungi (traditional singing), traditional art games, and more.

There will also be a showcase of local products, highlighting the agricultural production process, with each Dulamayo Festival participant presenting their respective products.

“At the event, various products will be exhibited, including processed agricultural goods, traditional cuisine, coffee brewing, krepek production, red sugar or palm sugar production, soba candy production, face powder production, mango curry production, and bagea cake production,” Nawir explained.

He urged all relevant agencies participating in the Dulamayo festival and camp area to maximize promotion.

“This not only becomes a family entertainment destination but also promotes the local community’s products, thereby boosting the local economy,” Nawir hoped.(*)

Author: Deice

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