Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Gorontalo District Government targets the construction of 15,000 habitable houses (Mahyani) to be completed this year.
This target was conveyed by the Regent of Gorontalo, Nelson Pomalingo, during his speech at the inauguration of several infrastructures in North Isimu Village, Tibawa District, Gorontalo District, on Thursday (2/1/2024).
“My target at the end of leadership is to reach 15 thousand houses. Where does it come from? from village funds, regional budgets, provincial budgets, national budgets, Baznas, CSR, and so on, and that’s our collective work,” explained Nelson.
He revealed that out of the 15 thousand targets, up to last year 2023, 13 thousand had been completed. With the existing realization, Nelson Pomalingo is optimistic that the target of the Gorontalo District Government can be achieved.
“While others are provocatively spirited, looking for people’s mistakes, all of us here are spirited to work to achieve development targets for the welfare of the community,” Nelson emphasized.
On that occasion, Nelson also mentioned that the Mahyani needs in the Gorontalo District are approximately 25 thousand houses. Well, he said, if 15 thousand Mahyani houses have been completed, then the remaining requirement is 10 thousand more.
“I leave it to the new regent to continue,” explained Nelson.(*)
Author: Deice