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Public Service, Gorontalo Regency Government Achieves High Rating from Ombudsman, First Time Since 2016


Public Service, Gorontalo Regency Government Achieves High Rating from Ombudsman, First Time Since 2016

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Pelayanan Publik, Pemkab Gorontalo Raih Predikat Tinggi dari Ombudsman, Pertama Kali Sejak 2016
Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Kabupaten Gorontalo, Roni Sampir saat menerima penghargaan pelayanan publik dari Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Gorontalo Wahyudin Mamonto, di ruang kerja Sekda, Senin (29/1/2024).

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The public service implementation carried out by the Gorontalo Regency Government in 2023 received a high rating from the assessment by the Ombudsman RI Representative for Gorontalo.

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The public services provided by the administration led by Nelson Pomalingo are in the green zone and obtained a high-quality opinion with a final score of 78.05, category B.

The assessment results were handed over by the Acting Head of the Ombudsman RI Representative for Gorontalo Province, Wahyudin Mamonto, to the Secretary of the Gorontalo Regency, Dr. Roni Sampir, on Monday (29/1/2024) at the Gorontalo Regent’s Office.

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Secretary Roni Sampir stated that this achievement reflects the commitment to improving public service compliance within the Gorontalo Regency government.

“When examined, several public service standards have been met in the provision of services in this area, such as infrastructure, human resources, and systems,” said the Secretary.

Secretary Roni stated that this reflects the commitment of the local government of Gorontalo Regency.

“This assessment serves as the basis for policy-making to improve local government services,” said Roni Sampir.

Although achieving a high rating, Roni mentioned some summaries from the Ombudsman that need to be optimized. Therefore, he stated that they will continue to enhance public service strategies.

Meanwhile, the Acting Head of the Ombudsman RI Representative for Gorontalo Province, Wahyudin Mamonto, stated that the assessment of public service provision in Gorontalo Regency began in 2016 and only achieved a high rating or green zone in 2023.

However, Yudin, as he is commonly known, hopes that all local governments in Gorontalo Province can achieve the highest rating with a score of 90-100 in 2024. (*)

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Author: Deice