Hurry Economic Movement, Nelson Instructs DAK Projects to be Tendered Soon


Hurry Economic Movement, Nelson Instructs DAK Projects to be Tendered Soon

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Bupati Gorontalo, Nelson Pomalingo, Instruksikan Proyek DAK Segera Ditender
Bupati Gorontalo, Nelson Pomalingo.

Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – To expedite the economic movement of the community, the Regent of Gorontalo, Nelson Pomalingo, instructed regional apparatus organizations (OPDs) with programs funded by special allocation funds (DAK) to immediately conduct tenders for those programs.

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“Regarding development, especially using DAK funds, this January, it must be implemented immediately. Last month, I asked for the planning, so this month it must start the tender process,” requested Nelson during his guidance at the early-year work gathering on Tuesday (2/1/2024).

Nelson also instructed the implementing OPDs to remind the selected contractors to prioritize local workers in the upcoming project. Additionally, Nelson stated that project implementers or third parties must use materials produced by local industries, following the central government’s instructions to all local governments.

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During the occasion, Nelson also emphasized that all OPDs in the Gorontalo Regency government should strive for efficiency. In other words, if there are general allocation funds (DAU) that are not urgently needed, they should not be executed immediately.

“Please pay attention to controlling projects funded by the DAU budget,” emphasized Nelson.(*)

Author: Deice

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