Gorontalo Regency Government Clinches Dual Awards from KASN


Gorontalo Regency Government Clinches Dual Awards from KASN

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Pemkab Gorontalo Penghargaan
Kepala BKPSDM, Kabupaten Gorontalo, Jufri Damima saat menerima penghargaan, di gedung pendopo gubernur Jogjakarta, Kamis (7/12/2023).

Hargo.co.id, YOGYAKARTA – The Government of Gorontalo Regency successfully brought home the 2023 Meritocracy award from the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN).

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Gorontalo Regency received the award for successfully implementing a merit system in the management of civil servants (ASN).

The accolade was received by the Head of the Personnel and Human Resources Agency (BKPSDM), Jufri Damima, on Thursday (12/7/2023) at the Gubernatorial Hall in Yogyakarta.

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Gorontalo Regency itself received two award categories, namely the merit system with a score of 326 in the “very good” category and the quality index of filling high-ranking leadership positions (JPT) with a score of 84.7 in the “good” category.

According to the Head of BKPSDM, Jufri Damima, the awards signify the performance of the Gorontalo Regency Government in implementing ASN management, which has shown continuous improvement each year.

“It can be seen that these awards have improved from previous years with a ‘good’ category,” explained Jufri.

He stated that this achievement is the result of collaboration among all departments in Gorontalo Regency and all ASN in implementing effective ASN management.

“God willing, with this award, it can provide motivation and enthusiasm for all ASN in building Gorontalo Regency,” concluded Jufri. (*)

Author: Deice

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