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Kompas Research Survey Reveals 87.8 Percent Public Satisfaction with Police Performance


Kompas Research Survey Reveals 87.8 Percent Public Satisfaction with Police Performance

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Survei Kinerja Polri
Gedung Mabes Polri. (Foto: Dok. Polri)

Hargo.co.id, JAKARTA – The Kompas Research survey shows public satisfaction with the performance of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) reaching 87.8 percent.

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From the survey, nine out of ten respondents agreed to express satisfaction with the services provided by the Police to the public.

“The performance of the Police in serving the public receives the highest appreciation,” wrote the Kompas Research survey, quoted on Tuesday (12/26/23).

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The survey also explained that the Police’s task in maintaining security and public order (kamtibmas) was highly positively evaluated by the public.

More than 89 percent of respondents expressed satisfaction with the Police’s efforts in maintaining kamtibmas.

For law enforcement carried out by the Police, four out of five respondents were very satisfied.

Meanwhile, for the public complaint service, it received a satisfaction rate of 68.7 percent.

The public stated that complaints could be made by directly visiting the police station.

However, 16.8 percent of respondents chose to file complaints through social media.

In the multiple-response answer model, in addition to coming directly to the police station, about one-fifth of respondents answered that complaints could be made through the Police call center.

From the results of the Kompas Research survey, overall, it shows that the evaluation of the Police’s performance receives high appreciation from the public.

This indicates the commitment of Police Chief General Polisi Listyo Sigit Prabowo to present professional personnel has been realized.

What is reflected in the performance shown by the Police should also be a form of confirmation that improvement efforts, including inherent supervision within the institution, have been going well.

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The survey results also explain that the supervision carried out to prevent and follow up violations by police officers has proven to be consistently performed.

One example is reflected in the public complaint service provided.

The service for reporting violations by members still needs improvement.

Complaint response and ease of access to complaint services received the highest scrutiny, each from about two-fifths of the respondents.

In addition, about one-third of the other public expects improvement in the transparency of the complaint process.

In addition to easy access at the beginning of the complaint process, the public also seems to expect that the course of the complaint process can continue to be well-informed openly.

Nevertheless, overall public appreciation is relatively high, reaching no less than 85 percent of respondents expressing satisfaction with the service for reporting violations by Police members.

This community survey was conducted face-to-face from October 22 to November 15, 2023.

The survey was conducted on 100 respondents for each Regional Police (Polda) area, with a total of 3,400 respondents from the general public. (*)

Release: Public Relations of the Indonesian National Police Headquarters